Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Around This Time, 2018


2018 DIARY


It is with a bit of a shock that I realized I hadn't written any kind of a diary (as such) since Kaitlyn's wedding in October. Here it is March 18, and the Shanafelts have just come back from Spring Vacation in Florida, so why not start up again?

First, a short summary of what has gone on between. I am no where nearer to getting The American Fantasy published, though I have written several short stories in connection with it. The circulation in my right leg seems to be getting worse, so more pain and trouble there. I've had several trips to St. James Catholic Church, to start work on my joining. I've started transcribing Mike's work on his early novel, A Stranger and Alone. After I broke my old Kindle in October, John has given me a new old Kindle, which I quickly loaded with over 800 free books, and am now reading Pepys' Diary again. Have taken up playing Words With Friends on Facebook, and Amy is giving me a tough but fun run for my money. And that is the short of things. So on with the diary.


March 18, 2018: Yesterday I had swept leaves everywhere (front porch, kitchen porch, back porch, pergola, pool) in preparation for the Shanafelts's return, and ten minutes after I was done a short sharp shower swept through and muddied and beleaved everything up again [live oak tree leaves fall in spring]. But luckily I had got the Rottweilers put away in time. So the family got back about 9:30 PM or so. I gave them a few minutes to get back in, then Kameron came in, and we talked a little bit about the trip (it was like pulling teeth) but mostly about his travel anxieties. When I went in to say hello and good night to S&A, the first thing I learn is that I had been feeding Vader Kylo's food (well, it was the only bag on the counter) but it was okay. Kameron decided he wanted to sleep in my house, so it was after about an hour we actually settled down (he had to take a shower in the big house, and have the chihuahuas, and Andy brought him corndogs after they got his truck) and then it was a while before Kam settled down to sleep.

This morning we got up about 9AM. We watched Duck Soup and Howl's Moving Castle on DVD, then the end of Finding Nemo and the new Star vs. The Forces of Evil. I got Kameron some powdered donuts and deer sausage for "breakfast," then at 2:30 PM Susan brought him a couple of tacos. At 3 PM he went back in.

So, no souvenirs from the trip this time, ... and not even a bit of a 'welcome back' meal yet (unless you count those two cold mustardless corndogs last night). What I've had so far is some popcorn to eat all day -- but I've had worse Sundays. I've got to buckle down and stop drifting and see if I can't get out of this situation.

So I helped Andy and Kameron set up his PS2, then went out to dip my feet in the pool a bit. It was still too cold to swim, but I soaked a bit, saved a grasshopper, and fished leaves out. Then the dogs came out, and Vader got all over me, so I went in and took a shower. This evening Andy brought me out a cinnamon bun from Whataburger and a batch of the worst snack mix I've ever tasted, left over from the trip. The bun was great. I did eat all the snack mix, in lieu of a real meal. I am jonesing for meat, and sit dreaming about making a thick turkey soup with potatoes, carrots, onions, and celery.


3/19/2018: Back to the old routine. Ramen for breakfast, and then salad and couscous for supper; no meat. Kameron hung around this evening and we had a good visit. For a while these past months he seemed glued alone to his room, but now we have visiting time again.


3/20/2018: Joined Fr. Mitch's "Scripture and Tradition" on Facebook. Very nice day; windows open and fan on low. Swept porches and brought in recycle bin. I had taken a cardboard box out to put it in bin, and the truck pulled up when I was half-way down the driveway, so I was just in time. Boiled taters and salad for supper. Another nice visit with Kameron. We looked up what a cranefly is and and talked about Sanskrit and looked up James Hong and found out Hong translates to "big" and talked about mental health! The boy has many interests. Still reading Pepys' Diary (hereafter PD). Kelsey coming to take me with her to do wash tomorrow. Legs still pins-and-needling making it hard to lie down. Right now Modern Times is on; I had put "Spring is Here" from Limelight on Facebook today. It IS the first day of Spring.

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