Friday, December 11, 2020

What Happened (Part 18)

Mom and Pop’s Room is at this end of the hall.  The guest room has one window, our room has two; but this master bedroom has three.  One faces the front porch, one the front yard, and the last towards an empty lot and field with a distant screen of trees.  This room is different from all others in the house as it is paneled with light blonde wood board and has a new, dark wood bedroom set. Two things always hang in Mom and Pop’s room: their marriage license and a group photo of Pop’s family. 

The headboard has a long shelf with two small cabinets with sliding doors on either side.  The shelf holds a small alarm clock with a dark face and luminous numbers (so Pop can get up when he needs to go to work, which can be odd hours), the cabinets are for personal items.  Mom’s usually has a box of tissues and Pop’s has a number of Westerns.  Of interest to us kids is the top of the dresser, which is where Mom keeps her wicker-style musical jewelry box (wound up and played on special occasions and its small treasures displayed) and her “foof,” an old fashioned perfume jar with an atomizer that is almost empty, but still sprayed now and then so we can enjoy the ghost of a passing sweetness.  

The spaces under the bed and behind the headboard are prime hiding spots.  Kenny holds down the pillows to look in and sees the friendly freckled face of John grimaced into a wry grin of disappointment.  He tries to twist away because you are not officially caught until tagged, but there’s nowhere to go as Kenny reaches in and taps him, messing up the bed a little as he does.  He’ll get a little grief from Mom for that later (we all will, since we were all playing), but for now he is triumphant.  John wriggles out and joins him, and the hunt continues.

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