Saturday, March 23, 2024

What's Up With Me (March 23, 2024)

Last night, Friday, we went over to my brother John's house and watched
Hellboy and Hellboy II along with my nephews Kameron and Joey. The visit was further livened up with a visit to new batches of kitties (spring is here!) and a talk about M. Emmet Walsh, who has just passed away, and his many acting roles. All in all a good evening.

But today has been quite another story. Only let me say never mix bacon greasy food and milk for breakfast, even if they go separately into your stomach. I've spent a rather queasy day, never too far from the restroom, and I certainly didn't feel like working on the post I was planning. I hope I'll have it ready tomorrow. My only consolation is that I've 'discovered' another Morg character. Whether she will appear in Thrand or will warrant her own short story is yet to be seen. In the meantime I continue to develop what I know about her; even if she never formally appears I consider her already a part of Ortha Lore.

I also have two new spring cleaning projects nagging away at me. One is re-organizing or updating the DVDs on this blog, popping in the names so they will be searchable.  The other is another book shelf shuffle, making room for new acquisitions in a proper arrangement. We shall see if either will be fulfilled. It's so easy to dream about doing something that you have no real pressing need to do.
Oh, and here are the few Action Figures To Be Noted for the past weeks.

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