Monday, February 8, 2021

March 1981


MARCH 1: Stayed home. Rested up.

MARCH 2: Got some rest. Was absent from school.

MARCH 3: Got research paper back. A+! Went to Writer's Round Table.

MARCH 4: A pretty good day. I feel happy. Wrote poems.

MARCH 5: Got "Out of the Silent Planet," "Perelandra," "That Hideous Strength," and "Glinda of Oz." I'm torn between joy and euphoria.

MARCH 6: Got "The Lord of the Rings" Cliff Notes and an eye check. (March 7)

MARCH 7: Worked. A dull day.

MARCH 8: Rested. A dull day. Read.

MARCH 9: Had Monday off. Mowed at Nanny's. Mower broke. Hooray!

MARCH 10: Wrote a funny parody of German lines in the workbook.

MARCH 11: Got "Farmer Giles of Ham," "The Adventures of Tom Bombadil," "Deus Irae," and "The Acts of King Arthur and His Knights" by John Steinbeck.

MARCH 12: A boring day. I must get my glasses. Soon!

MARCH 13: Work was fast and easy. No big problems.

MARCH 14: Went to Nanny's and just waited around. Went to work. Drew "Morg" [on big cardboard]. Got glasses.

MARCH 15: Worked a usual day. Went to [driving] simulator.

MARCH 16: Destruction of the Ring. Got "Last Defender of Camelot." Shoveled rocks for driveway. [Odd. I have no memory of this book. Must have got it from SFBC with carelessness, as I often did.]

MARCH 17: A regular school day. Learned more on the simulator.

MARCH 18: Got "I, Claudius," "Claudius the God," "Count Brass," "Champion of Garathorm," and Famous Monsters #173.

   These are all the days I recorded of that March. I see that for all my last-minute scrambling I got an A+ on my English paper. Perhaps Mrs. Richardson was being kind, or maybe I was just such a GENIUS! I include covers of the books I no longer have. I found "Glinda of Oz" particularly gratifying, as it completed the fourteen Oz books that Baum himself wrote. I have a different copy of "That Hideous Strength" since this one fell apart. The trilogy was one of the few good presents that Nanny ever got me. Every spring I celebrated "The Destruction of the Ring" with some feasting and ceremonies. I'll have to write about that in another entry.

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