Sunday, February 7, 2021

The Little Red Diary (January 1981)

1981 was my senior year of high school. As you can see, most of the money I was making at my part-time job was going to buying books, comics, and so on, instead of saving up for my proposed college career, which I had hoped to put off for a year until I was more prepared for it. As you can see from the history of my research paper, which I had months to work on, I have a history of dithering and last moment frenzied completion.  I have recently started a complete re-write of our epic fantasy, "Goldfire". Having got one book in the "Omen Trilogy" my obsessive compulsive nature required me to get them all, popular culture hash though they were. I was really scrambling for input. Those monster mags and the "Fantasia" and Beatles records went to John later. 

JANUARY 1: John started our story [Goldfire] again. The star [conjunction] that hasn't been seen since 4 BC appeared.

JANUARY 2: Dropped a tray at work [Mr. Gatti’s]. Embarrassing.

JANUARY 3: Had to stay up late at Aunt Margaret's. Saw "The Green Slime," "MechaKong," and "The Great Garrick." [The first time I ever watched cable TV.]

JANUARY 4: Worked on my research paper all day.

JANUARY 5: Went back to school. Had headache. Slept after dinner till 10 PM.

JANUARY 6: Worked on sonnets in English.

JANUARY 7: Gave book report on "The Life of Samuel Johnson." Got "Fantasia" [record], "Outlaw of Torn," and "A Swiftly Tilting Planet."

JANUARY 8: Loaned $20 to Mom (repaid). John late for bus.

JANUARY 9: Got this diary, "Flash Gordon," "Forgotten Beasts of Eld." Found $14 at work. Saw "Whatever Happened To Baby Jane?"

JANUARY 10: Got up late after staying up late at Aunt Margaret's. Got "The Final Conflict."

JANUARY 11: Went to Nanny's. Boring, but no work. Cleaned desk, moved shelf. Saw "Magic." [This could not have been the traumatic night we saw it at the drive-in, could it?]

JANUARY 12: Got flu from Susan. 

JANUARY 13: Sore throat. Went to Writer's Round Table and read story. Good. Mike found a pregnant Siamese cat.

JANUARY 14: Got "Solomon Kane," "Omen II," "Conan 362," Beatles Red Album, and Fangoria #10.

JANUARY 15: Took Algebra exam. Had rest of day off. Tomorrow I have off work.

JANUARY 16: Took Biology II exam. Got "Split Infinity," Thor #306, "The Tin Woodman of Oz," and "B.C.: One More Time." Day off.

JANUARY 17: Extremely boring morning. Read all the books I got yesterday. Worked hard all night.

JANUARY 18: Cleaned closet and room.

JANUARY 19: Moved books, cleaned shelf.

JANUARY 20: Inauguration of Reagan. Hostages freed.

JANUARY 21: Changed into Driver's Ed and Texas History. Got "Omen," "The Sword in the Stone," "B. C. Where the Hell Is Heck?" and "Life is a $1.25 Paperback."

JANUARY 23: A very good day. Got Fantastic Films Special Edition #22.

JANUARY 24: A working day. Nothing even vaguely interesting.

JANUARY 25: Took my books out. Have four days to do my research paper.

JANUARY 26: A headachy day. I have not written any on my paper. Listened to "The Taming of the Shrew." [I think this was the John Cleese edition.]

JANUARY 27: Went to Writer's Round Table. Watched a Christmas show. Loaned Fleming "The Silver Stallion."

January 28: Got "The Sword and the Satchel" and "I, B.C." Was absent today. {Actually, played hooky to give myself more time to work on research paper.]

JANUARY 29: Finished my research paper! Only a few minor adjustments now.

JANUARY 30: Got "Book of Lists #2." Turned in paper.

JANUARY 31: Got two bags of little animals, both wild and farm. Had set-up with John.

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