Thursday, September 10, 2020

The Last of the Shadow Library?

And so we come to the end of the Shadow Library, or at least of what I have recorded in a list or can remember. Some volumes I have sold, some given to family members, and some are just lost to time, like "Willy Three-Feet" (you can imagine the results when I put THAT into a search engine!). Some I have different copies of still. I wouldn't mind having a few of them again; others I don't give a hoot about anymore. But they're all part of my mind and memory, for better or worse. I will very likely remember a few more as time goes on. I began it rather haphazardly, and if I repeated a few books, I don't imagine that will hurt anything.

I'm thinking about replacing the Shadow Library with a new feature: "Items from the Wish List". It will be in its own way a sort of a sort of an ideal, or imaginary, or visionary kind of book collection. I'll explain what the book is and why I want it and so on, and with any luck, over time, I will acquire it. But we shall see.

In the meantime, I go on with the biographical list of books I DO have. There is quite a bit more to go, and some of the best are yet to come.

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