Thursday, August 27, 2020

A Short Explanatory Note

My last post concludes the DVD Library. It includes the few Blu-ray discs I own. Where there have been many different versions of a movie I have used the specific one that I have.

The same can be said of the books I have included, most of the time. Occasionally there have been a few (especially hardbacks) where I've had to use the jacket cover as an illustration where such is lacking. This includes three of four paperbacks without covers. I've tried to find pictures of the best size and resolution available, and in some instances that has been rather poor. Please consider them as placeholders.

What has been impressed upon me (again) through my labors is that there have been many fine and alternate editions that have arisen since I first started up my library almost 45 years ago. I have had to sort through the numerous reprints of Pratchett, Gaiman, LeGuin, and Tolkien to find the ones proper to my collection. If I had the money, I would love to snap them all up and perhaps bring some sort of unity to my motley collection, which has grown through decades of shifting trends in publishing art.

What has also been borne in upon me by the image search that has taken me through many re-sale sites, is that the monetary value of my vast collection is practically nil, a mere blip on the screen, although it would cost plenty to replace. That is fine with me. The true value of my library is the pleasure I derive from it and the memories that it holds.

After the following run of Tolkien and Tolkien-related books, I shall be done with the paperback portion of my library, but there is still a vast number of softcovers and hardbacks to come, which should keep me busy for months to come.

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