Thursday, June 13, 2024

Five Years Ago in June

Five years ago at this time I had just been baptized, it was the end of the school year (Kameron’s last year, and so the last of Susan’s kids’ school), and I was trying to get the Guest House into some sort of order. This was the time I gave Tom Villareal most of my Playmates Star Trek ships, and I was trying to winnow out some of my books by offering them for rock-bottom prices on Facebook. Kenny was very interested in having the books, and as it turned out Tom was heading for Florida soon, and he agreed to take them out to Kenny. So I ended up not selling them at all but sending them to a good home.

I remember in my cleaning madness I had offered quite a few of my Patricia McKillip books for sale but ended up keeping them. In fact, I have since added to them. I was just then writing JABS, a Bureau of Shadows-adjacent tale that is still unfinished.

Since this was a time before I started getting Medicare/Medicaid, a lot of my diary-keeping was involved with plotting and planning how to get my meals, with a depressing number of donated leftovers, peanut butter sandwiches, and especially packs of ramen making their appearance.

On the upside, the chihuahuas and Kylo (the Rottweiler) were still alive, although Kylo was having trouble with her poor leg already. And it was rainy just then, too. It’s nice to have a diary to look back on and compare and contrast conditions.


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