Saturday, June 8, 2024

What Ho, Wodehouse


Wodehouse Playhouse was one of those BBC/PBS shows we would watch now and then back in the day (1974 - 1978), adaptations of some of the comic short stories of P. G. Wodehouse, who flourished particularly well between the two World Wars and is still relished by a certain cult of readers today. P. G. Wodehouse himself was still alive enough to give introductions to the early episodes. Romance at Droitgate Spa was an episode I particularly remembered the gist of after all these years, and was pleased to find it offered on Dailymotion. Last night for movie night over at my brother's house I tried to locate it for an amusing interlude, but as I remembered the title as Romance at Droitwich Spa, the search was futile. But here is the link to the video, a humorous tale that I can appreciate now more than ever. 

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