Sunday, October 8, 2023

Out of the Toybox (59): Warriors, Both Skeletal and Virtuous


Skeleton Warriors was a one-season 1994 animated series about two factions warring over a powerful crystal, with the good guys granted strange powers and the bad guys being transformed into fleshless warriors. Perhaps the most compelling character was Joshua Lightstar, “[the prince’s] younger brother, who initially worked together with Baron Dark out of misplaced envy of his older brother. When Justin and Dark struggled for the Lightstar Crystal, Joshua interfered. The resulting surge of power turned him into an undead creature, but where Dark and his Skeleton Warriors are pure skeletons, Joshua - who was renamed Grimskull - is still covered in flesh. Grimskull is seeking redemption by helping his family; he saw the baron's evil during the fight which transformed him.” – Wikipedia. The obligatory action figures (by Playmates) were released at the same time, but neither the show nor they flourished. They hung around, discounted and remaindered, for a long time.

          Warriors of Virtue (1997) was a film that followed the old formula of a young misfit who is transported to a mystical land where companions are gathered (in this case anthropomorphic kangaroos), evil is opposed, and a powerful artifact is sought. The misfit returns to the regular world, wiser and happier than before. The film and its action figure line (by Play’em Toys) were not very successful, and they also suffered remainders and discounts. I snapped up many of them over time, particularly enjoying the wizard-like Master Chung.

I’ve never actually watched either the TV show or the movie, which is probably why I can still somewhat enjoy their toys. The kid protagonist from Warriors of Virtue is included in Out of the Toybox (48).

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