Friday, September 6, 2024

Elusive Theory

It's never been logical to explain one weird phenomenon by another weird phenomenon, but this theory has been tickling my fancy for a while. There have been stories of human ghosts, and of animal ghosts, so why not the ghosts of extinct hominids? There have been large hairy humanoids in the past (everyone likes to mention Giganthropicuses in relation to Bigfoot). Phantom creatures are reported with glowing red eyes; many reports of Bigfoot mention them too. Ghosts have been reported to leave prints. All more solid clues like hair or half-eaten food have been found to be connected with other animals, like bears. Being ghosts would explain their elusive nature. While I would like the squash-itches to turn out to be real, I find the idea of them being a phantom phenomenon intriguing from a theoretical and perhaps literary view.   

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