Sunday, September 15, 2024

Dear Diary 2019 September


9/8/2019: Up a little before 6 AM, watched new Duck Tales, then devotions. Showered, dressed, and left for church a little after 7 AM. Group of joggers out, and Batsy's [A dead, dry bat that had persisted during my weeks of catechism] corpse still persists. There was a little church about 5 feet high on the church lawn, with real stained glass, being offered at the raffle. Rosary. Father Greg officiating today. After mass they opened all the doors so we could hear the bells ringing (for a while they have been out of order). Met Mike Stewart after, and he gave me a ride home. Laid down to sleep about 10:30 AM. Awake at 12:30 PM and went in and got some ramen, cooked it, and ate lunch. Looking over YouTube, reading Bierce. It's now 3 PM. A little after A brought me out some more notebooks and some ranch dressing from Jack in the Box, and told me that if I wanted, I could tell Mike [Stuart] that they were considering selling the old [Susan's car] for $4500 [149,000 miles]. I called Mike and told him, and he said he'd get back to us in a few days. Watched The Making of DC:AoR [Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance].

After a bit I was so incredibly bored I decided to actually work on BB2 (tee-hee). I did this by writing up notes on Chapter One (To Grandmother's House We Go); it's now almost 9 PM and I have a pretty complete list of incidents and details to work with. At 7:30 PM Andy brought me out 3 Jack-in-the-Box tacos and offered me the leftover cucumber salad, so I had supper! Things really came together. After I finished writing it up (in fact while I was) I realized how much Mom and Nanny were in this mix of Ma and Grandma Morrison. Is this somehow payback, or just weaving in true details? Anyway, a good evening's work.


9/9/2019: Up pretty early with Kate Grubisch, the gang's mentor, in my head, so got up and wrote down notes while the ideas were still flowering. The name Grubisch was more or less from an old Bugs Bunny cartoon about Witch Hazel and Shakespeare; Kate is somewhat universal, but also suggests to me (thinking about it in retrospect) the Bell Witch and Kathy Bates. It's now 5:40 AM, and I guess I'm up. And just in time for a new Duck Tales.

At 6:30 AM did catechism and prayers. Repacked my offerings for Dragon's Loot, got dressed, and left a little before 9 AM to go to the library, where I tendered my Book [A Grave on Deacon’s Peak] to Sylvia Christy for consideration. Back home by 9 :30 AM and started my wash, peeled Kameron an apple, made chicken salad, made broccoli salad. Got Kam off to the bus. Got in Susan's new packages. S&A turned up a little after 11 AM while I was still making salad. Went in and finally had breakfast a little after noon. Folded clothes, played WWF [Words With Friends], napped for about half an hour. Up at 2 PM. Did all my stuff without knee wraps and (once back from the library) without a cane, which I'm sure I'll pay for later.

The rest of the day went as per usual. Pets, salmon patties and couscous, Kam came home, ate ramen and couscous for supper, went in about 7:30 PM and made Kam Tx toast and taquitos, cleaned up, had a salmon patty, rosary, Kam came in to visit at 9PM (well, that's a little unusual these days), then bed at 10 PM.


9/10/2019: Up at 5:20 AM, took a shower, new Duck Tales. Can't decide whether to try Dragon's Loot or not. Time for prayers and catechism. Afterwards, I wrote exactly 2 paragraphs of BB2.

So I worked myself up into such a lather I went to DL a little after 9 AM, when, as I apparently forgot, it opens at 10 AM. Came back, went in, and got ramen and bread and made my breakfast. Went in at 10 AM, got Kam up, and the bus got him at 10:30 AM. About 11:30 AM I fell asleep.

Up at 1 PM, went in, got salmon patty sandwich and 1 ramen. Prayed rosary. At about 2 PM it started to rain, so I turned off the AC and opened the windows. At about 3:10 PM it had cleared up (after a fairly good dust-layer) so I closed up again and on with the AC. Nice smell of watered dead grass in the air, and it must be at least a few degrees cooler outside.

Went a little before 4 PM, grassed and fed animals, started supper, rolled the trash can in. Finished at 5 PM and took my supper out (sausage, cabbage and taters). Looks like more rain is possible. Read old horror comics on-line most of the evening.

When I went in at 8 PM to wash up, S asked me if I had eaten "Kameron's salmon patty"; I sensed disapproval. I said yes, simply. I wasn't nagged, but...

Not much on, but vaguely depressed all evening after that. Now 10 PM, and ready to lay down. This 9/11 thing that's been haunting me so many months isn't helping. To try DL again tomorrow, or let it be?


9/11/2019: The fateful day. Up at 5 AM, new Ducktales at 6 AM, devotions at 6:30 AM, looked out at 7:30 AM and looks nicely cloudy. Wrote up to page 6 in BB2, went in at 9 AM for breakfast, went in at 10 AM to wake Kam up, grassed dogs, cut apple, Kam off at 10:30 AM. Went to Dragon’s Loot (still pretty overcast, but dear Lord humid). Offered my bag for a dollar (including five headed inscence dragon, animatronic gargoyle, vampire cape, etc.) and she gave me $5, so huzzah! Went to buy TX lotto by another route, then got supplies at DG, with a dollar still for Saturday if the pot goes up. Got home a tidge after 11:30 AM (S&A not home yet), so got package off the porch, took it in, and fixed the light switches (which had gotten switched) then back to my house to collapse. AC on at 12:15 PM.

Got up and turned AC off at 2 PM. Wrote up to page 8 on BB2, went in a little before 4 PM to grass dogs, feed pets, and start supper (pork chops, brussels sprouts, quinoa); Kam home about 4:15 PM. Finished cooking at 5 PM, went in, ate (WWF, etc). Went in at 8 PM to clean up.

Wrote a bit more. Kam came in about 9:40 PM and visited a bit, talking about language, as usual; what hath I wrought? He went in at 10 PM; I said rosary. Shower at 10:30 PM. I'm going to see if I can't get BB2 up to 10 pages tonight. Millipede infestation much slowed today; possibly because rain has made the outside more hospitable. Wrote and brought it to just over 10 pages at 11:30 PM. 


9/12/2019: Woke up at 5 AM; tried to sleep a little more but decided I was up. Wrote my dream. At 5:30 AM I said my daily prayers and read the catechism. A click beetle is making the morning interesting and annoying. At 6 AM is a two-part Duck Tales, "Moonvasion".

Watched it, prayers and catechism, went in at 9 AM. Kameron already up. Back out at 10 AM, got Kameron ready and out the door, bus at 10:30 AM. Too distracted to write; watched YouTube, napped, finished off sausage and cabbage for lunch at 1 PM. In at 4 PM to grass dogs, cooked corn on the cob, chili, squash, and rotini; Kam back at 4:15 PM. Took my supper in at 5 PM. Went back at 8 PM to wash up. Andy told me the suburban was up and ready for sale and had I heard from Mike? Called him, alerted him, and went back out. Wrote about 2 more pages of BB2 and sent the lot to John. Spent much of the evening finding and looking at Bendy Woody Woodpecker, Chester o'Chimp and the Cat in the Hat talking toys demonstrated on YT, and a wooden Playskool Hourglass that made me wonder if we or our cousins had it before. Rosary, then bed.


9/13/2019: Friday the 13th. Got up at 6 AM (purely by instinct; I had mistakenly set the alarm for 6 PM); after about 20 minutes of considering and checking the weather I decided to go ahead and get the TX Lotto today. Left about 6:50 AM; the sun, not quite risen but already lightening the day. Trudged to the store (homeless at the side of DG) and got my ticket. Back home and met Andy in the front yard, I told him about Mike not being quite able to see about the suburban till this evening, Andy telling me that it has to be first come first serve. Came back in, collapsed, finished my devotions and catechism. A little after 8 AM and caught up diary. Went in at 9 AM, ate chicken salad sandwiches,  then came back; went in at 10 AM and helped get Kameron ready (he was feeling a little urpy today), off at 10:30 AM. Had early lunch (mit deer sausage) at 11:30 AM, then nap. Up at 1PM, watched Nostalgia Critic commercials. At 4PM went in, grassed dogs. Kameron home at 4:15 PM, went in, had supper. Rosary at 9 PM and now at 9:30 PM I feel ready for bed. Got a glimpse of the so-called Fridy 13 micro Full Moon.


9/14/2019: Up at 6 AM with a dream that I had to transcribe right away about levels (which see in Dreams Folder). Puttered around online a while (WWF and getting pictures); washed dishes. Devotions and Catechism. Caught up Diary at 8:15 AM and now contemplating starting a day of writing.

Wrote (I suppose) about 3 pages, and then stopped at about 11 AM. Took some trash out, cleaned the toilet. About 12:20 PM went and got some ramen for the midday meal; other than that I only drank tea and had some hard candy. Finding it hard (no special reason) to buckle back down. Distracted by washrag puppet quest [looking for an old childhood toy]. At 5 PM said Rosary. Bed about 9 PM, I think.


9/15/2019: Kelsey and Ryan's 1st anniversary. Didn't set the alarm and woke up at 7:23 AM! Tumbled into my clothes in a panic and raced out the door. Got to church just at the end of the rosary. After the service I met the woman who offered me shoes two weeks ago (her name is Gloria) and we talked a little bit more about where to take the shoes. Got home and met Susan coming up the driveway; we talked a bit, and I told her Gloria might be coming by today. I came out and sat on the porch a while then, in case she came by, said my rosary to pass the time. At 10:30 AM took a break, then came back outside to read my old "Tales from the Bureau of Shadows"; I actually found them quite engrossing. S&A left for groceries and I went in a little after 11 AM. In a bit I went inside and grabbed a slice of turkey and cheese, and later a corndog from outside when I had to change the water jug for Kameron (he used up a big cup). Read the catechism. A little after 1 PM Andy brought me some bananas, some grapes (they had accidentally bought the seedless kind), some brownie bites, and some tortilla chips. I called and talked to Kelsey for a while. Looked around on YouTube, and now it's 4:44 PM.

It was about 9 PM, I suppose, when I gave up looking around at YT, playing WWF, reading on the Kindle (I seem to have lost the desire to reread my old books - I need new!- or try to watch DVDs or even listen to music from my music library). Woke up in the night, saw there was still an hour or two to go, so gave in finally to playing WWF with new people, and got my badge. Back to bed about 2 AM.


Lots of Duck Tales (which was a new reboot then, and going quite well), Words With Friends, and a depressing amount of ramen (which I shouldn't even eat now - heck, probably not even then, but it was cheap, and I was even poorer - hence the lotto efforts) which I have edited out. Dragon's Loot was a little fantasy-themed thrift store just a few blocks away that almost immediately moved out of reach almost as soon as I knew it existed. 

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