Thursday, September 26, 2024

Herlathing: My Poetry




I walked alone in an autumn wood

Along many a twisted way,

And my thoughts as on I wandered

Like the woods were old and gray.


The sky was gray like an iron helm

And the earth was gray with leaves

And a little wind like a dying breath

Stirred the branches with unease.


There was a smell in the fading woods

Of earth and smoke and rain.

All at once there came the sound of hooves

Pounding the forest lane.


Faster and louder down the path

They drew near where I stood,

But never a steed or rider

Came down the lane in the wood.


Nearer and nearer the hoof-beats drew

And I stood aside in wonder.

The sound galloped past and a lightning flash

Split the wood with thunder.


Down poured the tempest with roaring wind

And lashed the trees with rain.

I fell to my knees on the forest floor

And groveled there in vain.


As quick as it came, the storm passed on

And I rose to my feet in dread.

Through the wind-struck woods now dark as night

I rose and away I fled,


Thinking with fear not of the storm.

I ran back up the path

In fright of the unseen thing that flew

Before the lightning's wrath.


Herlathing is another term for a supernatural Wild Hunt, a rout said to be led by various characters in various places, from Odin to Herne the Hunter. The name comes in this instance from King Herla, a 'fairy' king; he may be the origin of the term 'harlequin'and is perhaps related to the so-called 'Erl King.'.  

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