Sunday, May 26, 2024

Basic Reading: The McQueeney Era

Basic reading. A memory collection of books, comics, and magazines I read from elementary (McQueeney) through middle school (Briesemeister). Ranging from very simple to what I would describe as ‘cusp books’, that would lead to more adult reading. They will come in batches; some are representative parts of series. Some we had; some we saw in libraries. Most have appeared on the blog before, but I think arranged here by category and time they can be more illuminating of certain aspects of my childhood.

Some books that I would place in the McQueeney (grade school) era. I Know a Story is an early reader that I always remembered for ‘The Straw Ox’. Donald Duck Sees South America was in great demand for checking out from the school library because it came from the Disney studios (you can follow the great influence Disney had on us by looking at these posts; I never really realized how great and indeed almost insidious it was until now). Carbonel the King of Cats became one of my personal classics. The Seven Voyages of Sinbad, with its new cover, was obviously connected to the new Ray Harryhausen movie (Golden Voyage, I think). The Phantom Tollbooth was growing towards modern classic status; I recall an abstract from it in our Fourth Grade English book with rather ‘psychedelic’ illustrations. We got The Witch House years later, but it was full of the spooky tales we might have read at the time.

As I’ve said before, many of these have been posted before and more thoroughly considered for their influence. Search the Niche to find out more! 

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