Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Basic Reading: Scholastic Books


Basic reading. A memory collection of books, comics, and magazines I read from elementary (McQueeney) through middle school (Briesemeister). Ranging from very simple to what I would describe as ‘cusp books’, that would lead to more adult reading. They will come in batches; some are representative parts of series. Some we had; some we saw in libraries. Most have appeared on the blog before, but I think arranged here by category and time they can be more illuminating of certain aspects of my childhood.

Scholastic books. Every now and then, at school, we would be offered the opportunity to order books from the Weekly Reader, from a folded brochure included in the little ‘magazine.’  Many readers of a certain age are familiar with Scholastic Book Services books, available from order forms in Weekly Readers for school kids at affordable prices. Often, they were the first books you might personally own. Copies populated our classroom libraries. Although Scholastic still supplies books to school, it is the old-style books that have nostalgic websites and collector's blogs dedicated to them that I am interested in. Here's a selection of a few I own; most are "new" copies bought at garage sales and used bookstores, mostly because the ones we had were read to rags. Some I never owned but read at school.

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