Tuesday, May 14, 2024

2019 Diary, Last Week (I Woke Up, I Had a Piece of Toast...)

5/6/2019: Got up at 6 AM. From 7 AM to 8 AM transcribed TMOOI [Talk Me Out of It] and checked blogs. At 9 AM started GGACP [Gilbert Gottfried’s Amazing Colossal Podcast] and the laundry. Started writing and got to the end of the morning consultation about [Roth’s] prospective wives at 10 AM. At about 10:30 AM went out to check wash and found the machine stalled and had to re-start it. I suppose I will have to go back to separating the towels.

So altogether I didn’t finish doing the wash until 4 PM. I was apparently done with my daily writing despite all my good intentions, so I sent what I had off to John about 2 PM. Anyway, when I went in at 4 PM Vader had somehow squeezed out of his pen and made three huge poops in the living room and torn a few little things up, but miraculously not a whole lot. I penned him up and let the chihuahuas out, and then Susan got home, and she cleaned up the poops.. At about 9 PM Kam called and I made him supper.


5/7/2019: One thing that has struck me lately is how much of the year has already been done; it’s 1/3 over. Got up about 7 AM after a lot of dreams that, of course, have faded. What I have noticed is that my dreams are not so fearful anymore. In the mid-morning a short sharp shower of rain. Haven’t settled down to write but did do page of TMOOI.

At 2 PM swept the kitchen porch and fed cats. Let the dogs out and started supper at 4 PM (Mike Stewart called and said he wasn’t able to go tonight; helping his daughter move. Left for Mystagogy at 6:30 PM. Discussed more about keeping our faith up. Had cake for Leroy and Joanna and wedding photos, but they didn’t turn up. Pat gave me a ride home. Kind of puttered around and went to bed about 11:30 PM, I guess.

5/8/2019: Got up a little before 7 AM, from dreams (positive dreams, I feel, but I don’t remember much about them; sort of a common thing these past weeks). Internet slow this morning. Wrote about a page of TMOOI, then PWOGR [Peculiar Wooing of General Roth]. About 2 PM John called and said he’s swinging by just before he goes to work and wait for him on the porch. About 2:30 PM Susan calls and asks me to check the mail, so it doesn’t get wet. I go out and the dark day starts to actually rain as I’m half-way there. Get the mail (2 flyers!) then go to the porch and find 3 packages, which I take in under the umbrella. Mind bebothered with writing and how to go forward.

John came by at 3:30 PM and gave me the last volume of The Complete Peanuts as a Baptism and Confirmation present! Also, a disc of Monty Python songs. We gabbed a bit and then he was on his way. About 4 PM I went in, grassed the dogs, and started supper. Susan and Kam came home, and I told her that her load in the washer was still going, unbalanced. Came back out to the guest house and ate, then read the Peanuts book. Went in at 8:30 PM to wash up. This evening I watched (on and off) the old Carol Burnett shows that are now running, read Goethe, and watched a few episodes of Babylon 5. Went to bed after midnight. My e-mail to John: Well, as you may expect, I rather greedily devoured the new book (admittedly skipping over a few bits I was pretty familiar with already) and am pleased to the tips of my completist fingertips. And I've shuffled shelf space so it's in the proper niche. 

When I went to try to listen to the CD, I found the port on my computer wouldn't open. Sigh. I hope I didn't leave something in there. Did I tell you the last electrical storm left the DVD player apparently fried? So it goes. But today, I am full of hope.

I've been catching an episode of Babylon 5 now and then and finding it not so unbearable as I used to; maybe compared to what sci-fi offers these days I've lowered my standards, or maybe I was just suffering from Star-Trek competitiveness at the time.


5/9/2019: Spent most of the morning watching YouTube and playing WWF. Transcribed 2 pages of TMOOI and wrote two paragraphs of TPWOGR. Finished Chapter 16 of TMOOI, and that’s about it.


5/10/19: Woke up at 7:30 AM to a cold (high 50’s and low 60’s), windy, cloudy day. The weather must have been just right for the story because I started writing about 8 AM and stopped at 3 PM (with gaps of course) and did about five new pages on PWOGR, which was great compared to the constipated single paragraphs I’ve been averaging all week. Don’t think I’m done writing for the day, either.

Wrote a little bit more. Went to bed about 10 PM.


5/11/2019: Woke up at 12:30 AM with a pain in my chest and right little toe and my right leg feeling numb - well, number than it usually is. Is this it? Turned on my computer, caught up my diary, said a rosary, and decided to work on TPWOGR. Paused at a little after 3 AM (after Koppa leaves the party) and e-mailed it to John, who had sent me this at about 1 AM, just when I had been starting to write:

“Good stuff, good stuff! Sorry for the late response - didn't get to take more than a couple of minutes for my break last night, and then Amy and I were off first thing this morning on a little getaway to South Padre Island. Looks like you are almost there, eh?”

It’s now 3:30 AM; I think I’ll try laying down for a while again. Leg still numbish.

Woke up at 4:30. 5:30, and 6:30, then decided I was up. Watched the MGM cartoon of “The Fieldmouse” at 7 AM; remembering my old feelings of fear and empathy at the dangers of a little kid and his disabled grampa going through a thresher. Saw a few Duck Tales I hadn’t seen were on and caught them after the cartoon and took a shower in between. Now it’s almost 8 AM, and I’m going to write on TPWOGR again (maybe finish today!).

Started writing, paused at 11 AM (at Korm about to do the Hannu reveal).

Got back onto writing. At 12:10 PM Andy comes out with a chicken BBQ plate for me (leg and thigh, 2 slices of bread, a plop each of potato salad, rice, and beans, with a jalapeno and some shreds of onion; yummy!). On to the Death Star! Roth’s call has come!

Kam came out at 1 PM and sucked the life out of my writing until 2 PM. That was okay, as I needed a break, and started up again all right after he left. Finished the first draft of TPWOGR at 4:50 PM; it clocked out at 73 pages, about 20 or so that I did today. And I’m exhausted, but happy. Cool again all day, and I think that helped get me through the ‘Autumn Festival’. Sent it off to John right away.


5/12/2019: My vein twinges seem as bad as ever: to stretch, or to relax them?

Came home a little after 9 AM (just a few drops of rain on the way) and settled in. Connection still wonky but managed to watch Sunday Special and post on FB about Mom and do some WWF. What I should be doing is rewrites on TPWOGR but I can’t stand to look at it yet.

. Later watched Sunday animations season finales (dull). Keep reading Goethe (also on a dull patch – or am I being dull?). Got some free Kindle books (including 50+ GKC) that haven’t downloaded yet. Just able to get my WWF badge this week. Bored, and wondering what John thought of the story, but probably won’t hear from him till Monday night. Feeling gloomy, for no real reason, as I’ve had food and have stuff to do, except nothing appeals to me. Connectivity very spotty today, and right side a little worrying with pains and pins, so that tries my patience.

Well, they downloaded, and it turns out the 50+ works they promised included each individual Father Brown story, so it didn’t really add anything new, except for maybe a complete “The Ball and the Cross”. Went to bed a little before midnight.


5/13/2019:  Woke up a little before 4 AM and tried to look at e-mail and Facebook through very slow internet, and finally gave up in disgust. Turned on the TV and saw the very end of My Life as A Dog, which hadn’t even been listed correctly on the schedule.

So, at 9 AM started. Watched a little BL [Boston Legal]. Then started watching political YouTubes. Wrote a little bit on JABS [Junior Agent, Bureau of Shadows] . About 12:30 PM went in and made broccoli salad. John called about 2 PM and we talked till 2:30 PM, mostly about TPWOGR and their vacation at the beach over the weekend.

Did rewrites to Roth, then sent to Yen and John. Laid down after 10 PM to go to sleep; put YouTube playlist on.


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