Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Wideo Wednesday: 'Old' Music Riu Riu Chiu Tae the Weavers

Aequilibrium. Medieval Tune. Hurdy-Gurdy With Organ - YouTube

"Gnaal" - the bowed lyre (taglharpe) "Funeral march" - YouTube

Duduk Meditation Memories of Caucasus Armenian Flute - YouTube

Tatar Folk Music - Cicha & Pałyga - Tatarska / Tatar Album - YouTube

The Skye Boat Song - Clamavi De Profundis - YouTube

I think the first time I heard Riu Riu Chiu was on a record of medieval music Dr. Laird lent me back in college. During those same years we constantly listened to Tae the Weavers on The Folk Box. And I'm not sure where or exactly when I heard the haunting and beautiful Skye Boat Song, but I'm willing to say it was sometime in grade school.

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