Tuesday, July 30, 2024

"A War By Other Means"

Whinfrey: What’s the game, Carne?


Carne: Oh, it’s not a game, Mr. Whinfrey. We’re trying to start a war. A war by other means, if you like. A war in which everyone gets a bit of territory and no-one gets hurt.


Whinfrey: Except the poor blighters who used to live here.


Mr. Girton: They are very happy …


Whinfrey: Well, where the hell are they?!


Mrs. Otway: In Germany.


Whinfrey: You captured them, I suppose?


Carne: No. We offered them a two-year inclusive holiday in the Bavarian Alps! They all accepted very happily. Oh, apart from the vicar. He chose Dortmund. He has a sister there.


Whinfrey: And you take their place over here.


Carne: Absolutely. We have a highly trained force waiting to move into England. Six hundred vicars, a thousand shepherds…


Mr. Girton: Two divisions of Cockneys.


Mrs. Otway: Forty-four judges, and a dozen eccentrics; eight hundred and fifty private nannies.


Whinfrey: And you expect to keep this a secret?


Carne: We have succeeded until now, Mr. Whinfrey.


Mrs. Otway: Until you came along.

-- "Whinfrey's Last Case", Ripping Yarns.

There seems to be some disagreement whether it should be 'Whinfrey' or 'Winfrey'; I've seen it spelled both ways, but I think 'Whinfrey' is correct.


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