Thursday, July 18, 2024

The Carousel of Life


Yen Enthroned

These past few days have been an emotional rollercoaster for many reasons, some more personal that others. There are several things that I feel I must note. The first is the birthday of my little brother Kenny (I say little, though he is now 55 and has two kids). Still, my little brother. Those are my hands hovering over him.

While I was looking for a photo of him I ran across this picture of us as kids from when we all went camping, which we would do in the summer. Looking closer, I realized that I was holding a book, and that that book must be the Reader's Digest Great Stories for Young Readers. The Grimms [Pop's sister and her husband and son and his kid] must have brought it with them that year, and there I was reading it. I've already got a bit of a belly. It's so odd pinning it down after all these years. And those are Kenny's hands on my head, in a neat little bit of serendipitous mirroring. 

And lastly, I sadly feel that I must record the passing of Vader, our big old Rottweiler. His 'sister', Kylo, had already passed away a few months ago, and since he showed no outward signs of any sickness, except a sort of sad listlessness, the general conclusion is that he finally died of a broken heart. Half the time I called him 'Rocky', because he was very like Pop's [well, Susan's, technically] old Rottweiler. He was a good-natured, happy lunkhead, and a good watchdog, and I will miss him. 

Taken this May.

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