Friday, July 5, 2024

July 2019: The Hungry Times

7/3/2019: I woke up at 5:30 AM, said a short devotion, and went online. Found a great video on Saturday Morning, 1964-1976. Left house for Lone Star at 6:45 AM, found a penny in front of the store, bought a TX Lotto ticket and came home. Chairs and tape all along the way; today is the parade and tomorrow the fireworks.  Stopped to say a short prayer at the Veterans Memorial by the courthouse; felt ostentatious but that I should do it. Resisted temptation to make a wish at the fountain; sneaky suspicion that it’s a pagan custom and having scruples. Home before 7:30 AM. On to full devotions, including rosary.

Made Kameron French toast inside my house [because it tends to smoke up the Shanafelts’ house]; it worked well, but when I took it inside and buttered it and cut it, half slipped off and onto the floor. Gave the floor toast to the Rottweilers and peeled Kam an apple to supplement his breakfast.

At lunch made Kam 2 corn dogs. Had leftover cabbage and taters. A little before 4 PM it was getting thundery so I grassed the dogs and fed the pets early, Made pork chops, rice, and squash for supper. Went in and fell asleep, waking up at 8 PM after a dream (woke up confused; thought it was morning) to wash dishes. Seems nobody was home, but Kam might have been in his room. Came back out and caught up diary.


7/4/2019: Woke up about 5:30 AM. Went in a little after 9 AM to make Kam breakfast but Susan and Andy were still there, getting ready to go to parade, so waited a half hour then went in and scrambled eggs and toast. At 1 PM went in for the rest of the fried cabbage mix. About 2 PM called in to peel a HUGE cantaloupe from Fred’s garden. At 5:30 PM went in, fed outside cats. Spent the day posting July 4 family pics on Facebook and playing Words With Friends. About 7:30 PM as a matter of curiosity, I pulled out the original dream transcription that was the origin of 'A Grave on Deacon's Peak'. I had forgotten several things about it. Whereas I had been remembering it as one page on yellow legal paper, it was two pages on what looked like Big Chief tablet paper. I had also forgotten that it had gone through the Great Termite Devastation and had a few holes. When it was 'lost', and put away with my other afflicted creations, I think I re-created it on the legal tablet, and that's what I was recalling. Funny how the mind plays such tricks, but natural, too. 


7/5/2019: Woke up at 6:30 AM for a change. Devotions. Went in at 9 PM to make Kam eggs and toast. At lunch time made Kam biscuits and finished off the broccoli salad. At supper had the last ramen. Throughout the day I managed to bring my 2-week total to 10 pages, only half of what I should, but the summer and the holiday has held me back. This e-mail from Kris Jerome: Digital Proofs are approved. Physical copies on the way to me. Then I will ship them to you once I sign off.


7/6/2019: Woke up at 5 AM after many interesting dreams that vanished like the morning mist. Got up, got dressed, went looking for writing quotes. Thinking that possibly I could try to go ahead and shoot for those ten more pages to make up my tally. I wonder … what was I wondering about? Anyway, rations today will probably be very slim, with no sign of anything coming my way until maybe the Sunday shopping clean-out. So, tea and no distractions, anyway. Ah, now I remember. Why is July always so hard a month? Is it the heat? Is it the thought that one should be celebrating, but always feeling rather left out? Is it having to wait until the end of the month for one’s own birthday, while three other people ahead of me have theirs? Ah, me.

I’m writing about a lost dog in Junior Agent, Bureau of Shadows, and for the first time in – I don’t know, twelve years – I see a post on Facebook asking about a lost dog. The iron comb [a theory by Robert Graves about the mind affecting reality]? Or just me suddenly paying attention?

9 AM I went out and swept the porches. Wrote up to page 53 in JABS: if I do 7 more, I’ll have done the two weeks tally, but with John gone on vacation, so what? A harsh, foodless weekend. Well, not foodless: at 2 PM I went in and got some slices of the enormous cantaloupe, and Susan said I could go ahead and take the bananas. So, some bland, meatless, cheeseless, chipless, noodleless, sweetless food, but more than a concentration camp inmate got, so be THANKFUL!

A very strange phenomenon happening to me lately. Besides waking up to the impression of someone vanishing from watching at my bedside, sometimes before I’m fully awake I’ll be convinced I’m laying down somewhere else, like in the living room at Loop Drive or in Mom and Pop’s old room. Not back in time, you understand, but back in place. The impression can last quite a long time until I open my eyes.

Went in a little after 5 PM and got some more cantaloupe, and I guess that’ll be it for the day. Soaked in the pool a little bit, because the Rottweilers were penned up. The water’s a little cloudy still. Did soak my feet, though. About 7:30 PM said rosary. To bed 10 PM-ish. Woke up every two hours or so going to the restroom.


7/7/2019: Up 5:30 AM, after having what may be (not quite sure) my first ever Harry Potter dream, no doubt partly the result of catching a few minutes of HPDH1 yesterday. Somehow or other I’ve made it to Sunday morning; wonder when and if I’ll get some breakfast.

Wow, I went back and found out that this wasn’t even my fourth HP dream THIS YEAR. Why did I forget the others? Well, dreams are eminently forgettable, most of the time. Right now, it’s 6:39 AM and I must think about getting ready for church.

I walked to church, and it was cloudy this morning. Sat right up on the 4th row today, and so sat behind Pat and his wife. There was a baptism today, a little Joshua Andres. Father Dennis presiding. When I came out it was sunny but not too burning. Came home and settled in. Listened to lots of Surprised by Joy on YouTube. After S&A left for groceries I went in and got some oatmeal, which I made for breakfast/lunch. Still reading now and then in The Possessed. I finished off the rosary at 2 PM, and Kam called to be sure S&A were home, since they weren’t in the house, but the doors were unlocked; since their vehicles are all here, I said they must be. Dash it all, I can’t stop thinking about food, and how much even $3 would help me now. I don’t think there’ll be any charity leftovers today, unless it’s from when they eat out at supper. I’ll probably ooze in this evening and get some more cantaloupe. Someday there’s gonna be a statue to me in this town …

Just noticed that I hadn’t changed my calendars from June to July, and hurriedly did so. I have a sort of superstitious qualm about not changing calendars, as if leaving them on the prior month prevents things from advancing forward properly in time, to the detriment of life.  Got the cantaloupe. Continue listening to SBJ. Haunted by chili, cheese, and noodles, in many differing combinations. A bag of macaroni, a block of Velveeta, a jar of salsa, a couple of bags of Ritz crackers crumbled into it. Chilimac swimming with onions and sprinkled with cheddar, scooped up with saltines or made into sandwiches of white bread. Dip-dips with parmesan.

Re-read [The Peculiar Wooing of General Roth] and made a few corrections to one version. Went in at 8 PM and made Kameron a plate of goodies: deer sausage, taquitos, a Babybel cheese, and some zebra cakes [I couldn't, of course, eat any of his food.]. It’s now 9 PM, and only 12 hours until I can eat some REAL FOOD! I’m so hungry I don’t think I can write, I’m so distracted.

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