Thursday, July 4, 2024

In Media Res: Neil Gaiman Allegations

I suppose there is no real reason for me to note this news except that I have enjoyed Gaiman's work for years now, and have followed his career with interest, and no small amount of envy. I've always wondered if someday his stainless steel image might be besmirched, even with only a handful of mud that might not stick. Nothing is proved one way or the other yet; investigations are ongoing. But even if his innocence is proved, this will always remain as a blot on his copybook, an asterisk on his record, an episode that will require explanation, and something his detractors will no doubt go nattering on about for years. His work remains and will remain monuments to his talent; I, for one, do not believe that art should be judged by the 'personal heresy' that holds that work should be judged by the character of the artist, but on its own merit. 

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