Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Wideo Wednesday: Russian Tales My TV Told Me


Last week was dedicated to Japanese animation I watched when little; today I have some Russian animation. I watched most of these on Captain Gus, a local children’s anthology show that featured cartoons and international kid’s films, dubbed and cut into handy segments for the consumption of American children. The Wild Swans is the only one here in English. I never saw Koschei the Deathless or Ivan and the Magic Pony, but I definitely remember Beauty and the Beast (‘Roll, apple, roll!’ and ‘She gave me her word, she would be back by sunset.’), The Magic Fish (‘Fish, fish, will you grant my wish? Just for fun let’s see you run!’), The Wild Swans (the Russians sure had a thing for Hans Christian Andersen), and The Golden Antelope (pretty Jungle-Book-like). A lot of this animation was collected with modern celebrity dubs on the DVD series Mikhail Baryshnikov’s Stories from My Childhood (see elsewhere in this blog). The Magic Fish (Russian, aka At the Pike’s Behest, The Princess and the Simpleton) The Wild Swans (English Dub) The Golden Antelope (Russian) The Red Flower (Russian, Beauty and the Beast) Koschei the Deathless (Russian) Ivan and the Magic Pony (Russian, aka The Little Hunchbacked Pony)

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