Saturday, August 10, 2024

Unpleasant Topics 2


This is specious gaslighting. No-one looks at that image and says it is obviously based on the comparatively obscure van Bijlert’s “Feast of the Gods”, and not on one of the most reproduced and recognizable images of Christian art. The composition is all off from van Biljert, for one thing, and from other paintings of Dionysian feasts. The initial image was held on for a good long time so people could make the connection. People look at this tableau and say it is an obvious parody of da Vinci’s “The Last Supper,” using pagan gods and a runway. And if Thomas Jolly did not on some level realize it would be taken this way and still courted the scandal, he is even more of a gormless twit than he appears.  This is mockery with malice aforethought. Don’t piss on my leg and tell me it’s raining.

A congenial, avuncular figure.
A grinning, monstrous rogue.

There has been a lot of criticism lately about Kamala Harris’s choice of Tim Walz as her Vice-Presidential running mate. A lot of it focusses on ‘stolen valor’, a subject I do not feel qualified to comment on, although there appear to be many actual veterans who seem to be disgusted with what they say are exaggerated claims. Still, that’s only an opinion. What’s worse, in my eyes, is a more verifiable objection.   “Data from the Minnesota Department of Health indicate that since Governor Walz was inaugurated in 2019, eight babies survived abortion attempts in Minnesota [These are not counting babies who did not survive because of congenital defects]. On five occasions, no measures were taken to preserve life. On three occasions, only comfort care was provided. Tragically, all these babies died. Instead of strengthening protections for these children, SF 2995 repealed the Born Alive Infant Protection Act, which was intended to provide legal protection for infants who survived abortions.” Abortions were allowed well into the third trimester and even after birth. In January 2023, Walz signed a bill into law declaring abortion a “fundamental right” in Minnesota that can be exercised without restrictions at all stages of pregnancy. In his State of the State speech in April 2023, Walz said the bill “established an ironclad right to reproductive freedom.” I was lately assured that no Democrats were advocating for third trimester abortion for any reason, and certainly not ‘live birth abortions,’ and now we have such a one proposed for Vice-President. I suppose if you agree with baby murder, that makes him a good candidate.

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