Thursday, August 29, 2024

The Last Days of August: Diary 2019


8/27/2019: Woke up about 6 AM, let's say, and wrote down some notes on BB2 [Bob’s Book 2, the proposed sequel to A Grave on Deacon’s Peak] that had come to me. Put on a Michael Palin interview, took a shower, then said my devotions and read catechism. When I read aloud the line "I order you, O sleeper, to awake. I did not create you to be a prisoner in hell", I was deeply moved and almost cried. I have always thought that one should not expect, as a matter of course, emotional responses to all spiritual efforts; they are effectual whether you "feel" them or not. When the feelings do come, however, they are a precious gift. On to the Rosary.

Went in at 9 AM. Kam asked me to make him bacon and eggs; did so.  Got Kam out at 10:25 AM; bus got him at 10:40 AM. Came in, ate, then napped between 11 AM and 2 PM. Up, and then it was almost already time to start the afternoon cycle. At 3:30 PM went in and let dogs out and started supper, at 4:10 PM went out and waited for Kam, who got here about 4:18 PM. Finished making sausage, taters, and cabbage. Came back about 4:50 PM. I am amazed that what seems like such a small effort to get Kam off and back seems to take up so much space in my head and drains me so much. It becomes obvious that if I get any creative writing done it will have to be in the early morning.

To John: "Oh my God. I had no idea getting Kam off to this thing would be so draining;  much more draining than regular school was, because now I'M in charge of overseeing it. I go in at 9 AM to make him breakfast, keeping him company more or less until he finishes eating, then getting him out the door at 10:25 AM, and hanging around on the porch until I see the bus picks him safely up. In the afternoon I keep an eye out for him when he gets back (about 4:15 PM).  Sounds simple, right? But the process takes up so much space in my head and makes me vaguely tense (from almost the minute I wake up at 6 AM until he's safely back) that I can hardly relax. As he gets used to the process, I'm sure I'll start to get used to it myself. I begin to think that my own worry-wartism has not been a good influence through the years.

"I continue to make notes, usually in the early morning when my mind is most fresh. I hope to be ready by September 1 to truly start on BB2 (my new short code for Bob's Book Two). Today was almost autumnal, with its overcast moments and occasional wind. These darkening evenings also seem to be giving hints. Bring on the Fall!"

Messaged by Yvie on Facebook. She's getting a copy of AGODP. Susan still thinking about a review; she says she wants to say it's compulsively readable. Got about 11 new free orders on Kindle (not of my book; FOR me on my device). Bed about 10 PM.


8/28/2019: Woke up from a dream about the 3 protagonists of BB2 (me as Bob) doing a lesson in a church cloistered garth with a robed priest. It had something to do with a dog (Ginger?) moseying around in the grass. Came out of it with the idea of Philo the Frog-Boy [now published here on Niche of Time] and an incident for BB2; the difference between sentience and being a person. Wrote down notes, and now it's 7 AM. I'm going to skip the lottery today. Either no-one will win it and it'll go up, or someone else will, and that means I wouldn't have. Aye, that's logic for ye.

Got Kameron off to school about 10:40 AM, after making him breakfast, brushing his hair, and so on. After Kam got back at 4:20 PM, after not having to make supper, I never saw anybody again all day [they were all going to the beach]. Sometimes they leave me a little cash in case of emergencies, sometimes they even say good-bye; this time they had never even bothered to tell me when they were leaving. At 7 PM I called Andy and asked if I should let the big dogs out, and he said yes. The connection was bad. I said I'd see them later (implying in the evening), he said OK and hung up. And that was it. At 9:30 PM figured, well, they're gone, and set up the outside lights. Rosary at 10:30 PM, and off to bed.


8/29/2019: Up at 7 AM, grassed dogs, fed raccoons, turned off lights, and put out food and water for the big dogs. Finished off the cucumber salad for breakfast. Getting ready for morning devotions. Nice mild morning. 8:40 AM. Nagging feeling I've forgotten some thought that came in the night.

Tried to divert my mind; laid down at 11 AM for a nap. Up at 12:30 PM to pen up Rotts, grass chihuahuas, and eat a PBJ for lunch. E-mailed John about my situation; he invited me over for Sunday. Said Rosary about 2 PM and cleaned up the house, including sweeping up millipedes. About 4 PM grassed the girls again and fed the cats, and at 5:20 PM let the Rotts out, swept the porches. Had leftover cabbage and taters (jazzed up with tomato sauce, like a stew). At 7:45 PM I intend to grass the girls one more time, set the lights, and call it a night, as sunset is about 8 PM tonight. And so it went. One last clean up, and then to bed about 10:30 PM.


8/30/2019: Up a bit before 7 AM. Dressed, aspirin, then went out. Topped off the dogs' water, went in and cut off the outside lights. Let the Chees out (my new word for the Chihuahuas), and fed the cats and raccoons, with Cricket chasing Numbah 2 (the smaller one; I think I'll call the balding one Picard; he always comes first and is fearless). Got them in, fed and watered the inside animals and then took food out for the Rotts and Jade [Kaitlyn’s Doberman]. For First Breakfast I made eggs and toast. Then I pinned the Chees up and came out, where I ate and watched a little of that Rex Harrison movie, The Honey Pot. It's now 8 AM. Devotions. Got mail at 9 AM.

Yurg. The day rotated around and seemed to take forever. Put Rotts in, let Rotts out. Read Ambrose Bierce. Made oatmeal for lunch. Made dip-dips for supper. Let Chees in and out. At 6 PM watched the first episode of The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance. A combination of intriguing and turgid - so far. E-mailed John but had nothing to say. Maybe I'll start writing in earnest tomorrow and see if I can finish a whole chapter. There's not much else to do during the day. Well, well, th'event.

John e-mailed me and said they were coming tomorrow [Saturday]: hurray! That means I can not only have a nice visit, but also get a trim before I go to church.


8/31/2019: The last day of August. Got up before 6 AM, grassed and fed Chees, watered and fed the Rotts (and Jade), then left before 7 AM to go to Lone Star and get ticket. Did so, and was home about 7:30 AM. Devotions. Noticed the house smelled like ass and took out garbage and topped off the cat litter. Boiled some cinnamon. Started wash, doing two small loads. Spruced up house a bit and got bag ready for John&Co. Went to check the mail; the door was down, but there was still a package in the bottom: no telling if there was more that was taken or if they just didn't close the door. Hopefully they didn't let the mail hang out. Took the Rotts in at 12:30 PM, and was about to grass the Chees when John, Amy, Joey, and Morgandy arrived. We had pizza and soda, much good discussion, and then there was swimming (the kids and John) and more talk, much about my book. They left about 3:30 PM, giving me the leftover pizza, oatmeal cakes, and the leftover Diet Dr. Pepper. Took a rest. It was all "holiday viewing" today on TV: the Hobbit movies, Harry Potter, Marvel movies, and Star Wars movies. About 5:30 PM let the Rotts out, grassed the Chees, and did more straightening. Caught up diary.

Over the evening watched three more episodes of DC:AoR [Dark Crystal]. Don't know if it's getting better or I'm just bored [I was bored]. Prayed Rosary. Ready for bed about 10:30 PM. 

[Trivia Note: This is the 1800th post on Niche of Time.]

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